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2nd AP Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
April 2, 2024 @ 8:00 AM - April 5, 2024 @ 5:00 PM

Following the success of the global Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) conferences, a regional series of biannual SDEWES conferences have been initiated to provide a venue for researchers from the Asia Pacific region, but also for worldwide researchers and specialists and those interested in learning about the sustainability of development, to present research progress and to discuss state of the art, the future directions and priorities in the various areas of sustainable development and regional integration.
The 2nd AP SDEWES Conference will be dedicated to improving and disseminating knowledge on methods, policies and technologies for increasing the sustainability of development by de-coupling growth from natural resources and replacing them with a knowledge-based economy, considering its economic, environmental and social pillars. One of the main issues of the coming decades is to improve efficiencies by integrating various life-supporting systems, using excess from one, as a resource in another, and in the exact moment when it is beneficial to all, integrating electricity, heating, cooling, transport, water, buildings, waste, wastewater, industry, forestry, and agriculture systems.
Calls for Papers
Types of papers sought: The papers should report original, previously unpublished findings in the sustainable development of energy, transport, water, food and environment systems, their integration, and their technical, environmental, economic and social perspectives. The review papers are also welcome if they thoroughly review a narrow field with a deep gap analysis. All papers will be reviewed under the direction of the International Scientific Committee by the Scientific Advisory Board.
The papers with archival value (archival papers), meaning those that contribute significantly to state of the art and report final results of research, with proper literature review, will be thoroughly reviewed and will be candidates for publication consideration in special issues of several archival journals. The papers that report work in progress without significant contribution to state of the art, and those lacking a thorough literature review, are invited as conference papers and will receive a less stringent review. Authors are invited to offer suggestions on the classification of their papers as “archival”, “review”, or “conference” when submitting them.
Authors (corresponding author) willing to present a paper should submit an abstract in English, between 1500-2500 characters long.
For more info about the conference and abstract preparation and submission instructions, visit the 2nd AP Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems site.
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