Adapting Buildings to Climate Change

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The climate is changing, and data collected over the recent decades shows that the current rate of change is more rapid than before the Industrial Revolution.

The increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are shifting weather patterns and raising sea levels globally.

The shift in the weather pattern has varying effects on each region. Rising temperatures and increased drought events will affect hot areas, and shifts in climate, such as higher-than-average temperatures, shorter winters, and increased precipitation, can also cause costly damage to buildings and infrastructure in colder regions.

Between November 2018 and January 2019, the study reviewed existing literature and journals on climate adaptation in buildings, mapping out the subjects, research methods, and main findings as the basis for future research.

The study wanted to find out what is already known from the literature about climate implications and adaptation measures for buildings and identify research gaps.

Findings from the study are comprehensive in terms of the data collected, and research gaps uncovered highlight what is currently missing in existing research.

Read the entire study by clicking the link below:


Stagrum, A. E., Andenæs, E., Kvande, T., & Lohne, J. (2020). Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Buildings—A Scoping Review. Sustainability12(5), 1721. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

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