Are We Getting Enough Information from Climate Change Authorities?

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This post is about the article on climate change that Paul Duignan of Stuff NZ wrote, which sparked our interest.

He starts with an analogy comparing climate change to a terrible health diagnosis from a doctor. Unlike health issues, the treatment for climate change is a long way coming.

He said that climate change is presented to the public like a drip-feed. “Fed first part of the process- work the diagnosis – without having time to formulate clear treatment options”, Duignan says.

For example, he cited the information from the Greater Wellington Regional Council showing areas of the city vulnerable to flooding.

He noted that the helpful information has caused people to be panicky. The people are concerned about the risk to their homes, assets, and places of work.

The report added that the regional and local governments wanted to consult with the coastal community. Their goal is to create responses and options to climate change.

The writer relates his many experiences as a strategist, particularly in community engagement. He said there are usually two ends of the spectrum when consulting with the community.

The first end is when the government goes to the community intending just to let the people speak out, providing data and information.

The other end is when the government comes to the community with a plan and tells them what will happen. These approaches are obviously on the extremes.

When dealing with climate change hazards, the best approach is to be somewhere in the middle between the two ends of the spectrum, Duignan suggests.

The reality is that when the community realizes the weight of the problem, they will soon ask for information and solutions, he added.

The author suggests that the government would be in a better position to come up with possible indicative solutions, which is primary for productive community discussions.

The article is a good reminder for climate change authorities in New Zealand, other countries, and even readers on how climate change information shall be better handled.

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FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Image by David Mark from Pixabay

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