Most climate change studies focus on land-based mitigation efforts. This research article looks into the ocean for climate change solutions. Are there any?
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
Case Study Discusses Climate Change Adaptation Funding
Interesting facts, figures, and information on the current state of NZ's policies and regulation on climate change adaptation funding in this case study.
Climate Adaptation from the Pacific Islands’ Climate Change Experience
The research on ecosystem-based adaptation strategies in the Pacific Islands to build climate change resilience are useful for climate adaptation planning.
A Climate Resilience Handbook that Businesses in SEA Must Have
The "Building Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia" handbook by BSR and the Rockefeller Foundation, equips businesses in Southeast Asia.
Sea-level Rise Creates Serious Concern in Singapore
Singapore sees itself as a hot spot for the effects of rising sea levels. Preparing for climate adaptation and mitigation is needed.
Coastal Hazards and Climate Change NZ – What We Need to Know and Do
The Ministry for the Environment paper provides comprehensive information on issues surrounding coastal hazards, climate change in NZ.
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Needed for NZ’s Rising Sea-level
This paper by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment discusses how NZ deals with rising seas with certainty while preparing for uncertainties.
Climate Change Threats to Coastal and Low-lying Places
This interesting article from "The Economist" shares enriching information on the effects of climate change worldwide. Are we ready?
Climate-Smart Infrastructure – Smart Climate Adaptation Investment?
“Ensuring New Infrastructure is Climate-smart” by James Rydge, Michael Jacobs, and Ilmi Granoff is a working paper on climate-smart infrastructure.
Build Back Better – Research and Consulting Services for Disaster Assessment and Planning
The Build Back Better website offers valuable resources for constructing resilient structures, a crucial aspect of climate adaptation.