Efficient, high-quality climate, weather, hydrological, and environmental information services assist in creating climate adaptation programs.
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
A Net-Zero Climate-Resilient Future Vision
These six countries provided six visions exploring what climate-resilient and net-zero looks like in their part of the world.
Climate Adaptation of Coastal Delta Cities Around the World
Delta cities and countries need to come together, share knowledge, experiences, and expertise in addressing climate change adaptation.
What Will a Climate-Changed Earth Look Like in 2500?
Imagine what our planet will look like with climate change happening. A study paints a climate-changed world in AD 2500.
Climate Change Response of Indigenous People
A report that the Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals published features how Indigenous Nations respond to climate change.
How Can Businesses Reduce their Scope 3 Emissions
Businesses have a crucial role in limiting warming to 2°C or 1.5°C limits. Read on Scope 3 Emissions reduction and how companies can help.
Building Climate Change Resilient Houses For Alaskan Natives
The houses in Mountain Village, Alaska, that accommodates 855 residents are sinking due to thawing permafrost. Climate adaptation is needed.
Climate Resilience Collaborative Launched
The University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group and nine partner organisations launch the Northwest Climate Resilience Collaborative.
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation through Coastal Wetland Preservation
Coastal wetlands, for their capacity to sequester and store vast amounts of carbon from water, must be protected for climate adaptation.
Recognising Women Leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction
The Women's International Network on Disaster Reduction will award two women for exemplary leadership role in disaster risk reduction.