UN report says that the countries' climate action plans remain insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Category: Climate Adaptation
Climate Adaptation Experts Tackles Disaster and Disaster Management in Pakistan
Rizwan Akbar Ali and Dr Sandeeka Mannakkara, discuss Pakistan's worst disaster and future of disaster management in the article they co-wrote.
What China is Doing to Adapt and Mitigate Climate Change
China's updated National Climate Adaptation Strategy recognises the gravity of the climate impacts today and into the future.
Report Calls for Protecting and Recovering World’s Mangroves
The Global Mangrove Alliance's annual report, "The State of the World's Mangrove", compiles the most current information about mangrove forests.
Building Resilience in Europe Using Nature-based Solutions
Evidence strongly suggests that nature-based solutions can significantly help us adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Climate Funding can Help Climate-vulnerable Philippines
The Philippines need assistance from developed countries to fight climate change thru climate mitigation and climate adaptation strategies.
Climate-vulnerable Countries Call for Loss and Damage Support
Climate-vulnerable countries are asking climate change-responsible countries to support their climate adaptation and mitigation programs.
Countries Need to Make Climate Action the Top Priority
UN Chief Guterres urged developed countries to step up climate actions and deliver the funding they promised to climate-vulnerable countries.
Climate Change Fragility and Adaptation in Sahel Region
Africa’s Sahel region regularly experiences land degradation, more extreme droughts, floods, and other climate change impacts.
What to Expect at the COP27
Egypt will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 in its coastal city of Sharm El-Sheik from 7 to 18 November 2022.