Two articles on climate resilience. The importance of resilient infrastructure to meet climate change extreme events and climate adaptation approaches.
Category: Climate Articles and News
How to Talk About Climate Change that Will Inspire Group Action
Researchers have created a brief guide, "How to Talk About Climate Change," outlining strategies for effective communication.
Climate Change Conferences and Seminars Postponed due to COVID-19
We have a list of climate change conferences that have been cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Stay tuned for updates.
Climate Adaptation Waylaid as Govts Fight COVID-19 Pandemic and Boost the Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic caused governments to focus on fighting it via lockdowns while keeping the economy going, so postponing climate adaptation actions.
Carbon Emissions in Europe and America Drop Due to COVID-19 Lockdowns
We don't need a pandemic to tackle climate change; without COVID-19, we can see what a low-carbon environment looks like.
Climate Change Actions – Canada Reduces Crude Oil Processing, USA Invests in Renewables
Canada is cutting oil extraction due to climate policies, while the USA is boosting renewable energy and limiting fossil fuels.
Climate Adaptation Planning through Physical Modelling
With climate change bringing extreme weather events, physical and computer modelling enhances climate adaptation planning.
The Zero-Carbon Manufacturing of Iron will Impact Climate Change Actions
Climate change actions and the environment will surely be impacted much when carbon is finally removed from the manufacturing of iron and steel.
UN Study shows Climate Change Progressing on Land, Sea, and Air
We are seeing the effects of climate change worldwide. To mitigate its impact, more ambitious and serious climate actions are needed.
Is Climate Change to Blame for the Snow-less Winter in Moscow?
Reporting on Moscow's unfamiliar winter, ABC and CNN report there was hardly any snow. Is climate change the probable cause? Permafrost thawing happening?