A report challenges existing climate discourse, advocating for a comprehensive shift towards mainstreaming climate adaptation initiatives.
Category: Environment
Environmental Costs of Green Growth and Renewable Technologies
Explore the trade-offs between sustainable growth and the challenges posed by mining raw materials and construction emissions.
How Climate Change is Transforming New Zealand’s Biota and Ecosystems
Climate change has far-reaching effects on New Zealand's diverse species and ecosystems. Explore its measured and predicted impacts.
Research Finds AMOC Overturning Faster Than Originally Thought
Explore the dynamics of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and its influence on climate patterns, challenging previous notions.
Zero Waste – A Solution to Our Disposable Culture
Learn about zero waste and circular economy and how they can help reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions.
Navigating the Nexus of Food and Water Challenges in Urban Areas
Learn how to ensure a sustainable and resilient food system while addressing the water-food nexus and protecting our environment.
Is Environmentalism Hindering Renewable Energy in the USA?
America is getting prepared to transition to renewable energy. Some environmentalists are weaponising environmental laws to stall projects.
Investing on Seaweed to Curb Livestock Methane Emissions
Discover how an innovative solution from seaweed could be a game-changer in reducing emissions and mitigating climate change.
Climate Change Issue – Averting the Colorado River Water Crisis
The Colorado River faces historically low water levels due to years of drought, overuse, and climate change. Learn about what this entails.
Climate Risks Exposed – Extreme Winter Weather and a Warming Planet
Find out how the warming planet causes the weakening of the polar jet streams, resulting in climate risk and extreme weather conditions.