Applying these innovative building and construction technologies can significantly help countries achieve their net-zero emissions goal.
Category: Green living
Making Dense Cities More Liveable thru Better Design and Planning
How urban living could be bliss. Some examples of metropolitan cities around the world showing what it is like to live in dense urban areas.
Adapting to Climate Change through Retrofitting Unused Urban Spaces
South African cities are experiencing climate change. To adapt to climate change effects cities should retrofit or repurpose unused spaces.
Climate Adaptation Awareness Needed to Address Urban Climate Phenomena
The study reveals the lack of adequate adaptation strategies implemented because of a general lack of awareness of urban climate events.
Vertical Forest for Future Cities
Vertical forests are high rise buildings that incorporate trees and plants in urban design, which Italian architect Stefano Boeri pioneered.
Climate Change Reversal with these Top 10 Solutions
Top 10 out of 100 solutions from Paul Hawken’s book, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.
Solar Cell Technology Can Make Buildings Generate Energy
This solar cell technology breakthrough has significant impacts on renewable energy use and GHG emissions reduction to mitigate climate change.
Poor Communities are not Climate Change “Victims” but Climate Adaptation Agents
Rather than victims, poor communities have “the most potential to be climate adaptation leaders and a key role in climate change solutions.”
Decentralization, New Approach to Wastewater Infrastructure Management
Decentralising wastewater management is the best solution to present challenges, it is nature-based, principles of sustainability are applied.
Norway’s Renewable Energy Success and Its Fossil Fuel Export
Norway is a shining example when it comes to climate change leadership and maintains its oil and gas export industry.