To help businesses comply with the govt’s mandatory climate-related financial disclosure, the Climate Intelligence Platform is being proposed.
Category: Publication and Resources
Climate Change Effects, Jet Stream and Extreme Weather Link Revealed
International scientists have found a connection between these extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change on the jet stream.
Climate Adaptation Engagement in NZ Local Councils and Communities
Case studies from three New Zealand councils focus on the process of engagement with the community on climate adaptation and mitigation.
Plummeting Costs of Renewable Energy and Battery Can Hasten Decarbonisation
A report by the Goldman School of Public Policy presents how the USA can achieve 90% and carbon-free electricity by 2035.
V2G Technology and its Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Vehicle-to-grid technology can enhance the decarbonisation of transportation and optimising renewable energy to power the grid and EVs.
The “Million-mile Battery” and its Impact on Decarbonisation
The million-mile battery will be a game-changer, a big help to decarbonisation and shift to renewable energy to mitigate climate change.
Carbon Pricing to Mitigate Climate Change
The OECD report mentions that carbon pricing is an efficient tool to reduce carbon emissions because emitters pay for their emissions.
Climate Change Inclusion in NZ Councils’ Long Term Plans
Local councils in New Zealand have recognised climate change is a “significant future issue” that must be reflected in their long term plans.
Does the Plummeting Oil Prices Signal the End of the Fossil Fuel Era?
The Economist reports that major oil companies are selling assets and cutting investments due to declining oil prices.
Climate Adaptation Challenges in India and Developed Countries
An interesting paper on the Academia website discusses the challenges that India faces in designing and implementing climate adaptation plans.