The study “Adaptation of interconnected infrastructures to climate change: A socio-technical Systems perspective” examined the literature on climate adaptation of infrastructures. The study states that built infrastructures and systems are society’s backbone.
The papers analysed in the study show the inter-connectedness and interdependencies of infrastructures, such as energy and transport. Still, the research paper says the research on the interconnection from a socio-technical perspective remains lacking.
The study examines infrastructure as complex socio-technical systems comprising many elements and connections. Networks such as roadways and electricity grids provide daily services and goods to society. According to the paper, social factors are needed when shaping or adapting infrastructures.
The paper aims to provide an overview of the interconnectedness of infrastructures from the review of related literature. Â There is a need for a qualitative study on the interdependencies of infrastructure and the possible use of modelling based on a socio-technical paradigm that would provide more insight to policymakers on their adaptation measures (Chappin, Van der Lei, 2014).
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Chappin, E., & Van der Lei, T.E. (2014, December). Adaptation of interconnected infrastructures to climate change: A socio-technical systems perspective. Utilities Policy. 31. 10–17. 10.1016/j.jup.2014.07.003. Retrieved from
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