Climate Adaptation Needed as Wildfires and Extreme Events Hit Cities

Home / Climate Adaptation / Climate Adaptation Needed as Wildfires and Extreme Events Hit Cities
climate adaptation future-proofing cities

The series of extreme events that happened recently, the record-breaking heatwaves in the US Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, landslips in Japan caused by very heavy rains, severe floods in China and Western Europe, wildfires in sub-Artic, and now wildfires in Greece and Turkey, has placed the seriousness of climate change to the fore. Climate scientists are confident that the recent heat waves in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia could not have happened without climate change. (Lindsey, 2021).

Extreme events can lead to catastrophic results like loss of life, damage to infrastructure, properties, agriculture areas, and natural ecosystems. The increasing impacts of climate change create a pressing need to adapt besides mitigating the causes.

The article on ArchDaily discusses how cities and urban can build resilience and adapt to the increasing threats of climate change.

First on the list is for cities to make climate action a priority and to increase preparedness. The article says that urban planning and politics is taking climate change a most serious risk facing the world.

The second is to adapt to rising sea levels and floods especially coastal areas, by incorporating adaptive features in the building’s design, constructing protective barriers around the city, or apply nature-based solutions.

Lastly, cities have to fight heatwaves and drought.

The June and July heatwaves that broiled the Pacific Northwest has caused dozens of deaths and damaged power infrastructures.

To adapt to heatwaves, cities like New York, Abu Dhabi, and Medellin in Colombia have created cooling areas and hubs using vegetation and technology to help lower temperatures while providing an oasis for people to go to during sweltering heat.

To know more about ways to climate-proof cities, click the link below:

Source Citation:

Lindsey, R. (2021, July 20). Preliminary analysis concludes Pacific Northwest heat wave was a 1,000-year event…hopefully. NOAA Retrieved from

Cutieru, A. (2021, August). Future-Proofing Cities Against Climate Change. ArchDaily. Retrieved from

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