NZ Govt Makes Climate Data Public to Aid in Adaptation Planning

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New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) released more detailed climate projections for the country. According to the country’s Crown Research Institute, the development of updated national climate projections for Aotearoa, New Zealand, was completed in mid-2024. 

NIWA climate modellers have downscaled the global climate models from the IPCC’s latest report, the AR6, to zoom in on New Zealand to a 5-kilometre x 5-kilometre square resolution from the IPCC’s global 100-kilometre resolution.

The projections also added information on New Zealand’s unique landscape and climate. The result is more granular climate change projections of the likely changes to the country’s temperature, wind, and rainfall throughout the century.

For the first time, these data are made publicly available by the Ministry for the Environment through the government’s Climate Data Initiative, with funding from the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment.

Access the updated New Zealand climate projections dataset

The NZ climate projection dataset website provides access to the flowing information:

Climate projections overview by the Ministry for the Environment shows how climate change could affect New Zealand and different regions. For example, what might average temperatures look like in Invercargill in 50 years, or how much rainfall could we expect in Taranaki by 2100?

Click the image below to explore the interactive New Zealand Climate Projection Map and understand the future climate in various parts of the country.

Climate projections summary dashboard. Explore how key climate variables are projected to change for territorial authorities.

Natasha Lewis, Deputy Secretary of Strategy Stewardship and Performance, says, “Making these projections available means everyone can access the data and understand what climate change might mean for their community. This is an important step in improving access to climate information.”

The projections will help councils, Kiwi communities, and businesses develop climate adaptation plans.


Updated national climate projections for Aotearoa New Zealand. (2024). NIWA. Retrieved from

New Aotearoa New Zealand climate projections released. (2024, September 18). Ministry for the Environment. Retrieved from

New Zealand Climate Projections Dataset. (n.d.). Climate Projections Dataset. Retrieved from

Aotearoa New Zealand climate projections. (n.d.). Ministry for the Environment. Retrieved from

About the climate projections. (n.d.). Ministry for the Environment. Retrieved from

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