Singapore’s Expensive Climate Adaption Plan

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Singapore is preparing to spend S$100 Billion or US$72 billion for its climate adaptation plan. However, the Bloomberg article says the country’s climate adaptation plan is way beyond and above the Paris target of a 1.5°C-degree increase in temperature and a one-half-meter rise in sea levels.

Singapore is preparing a full-scale adaptation plan to address coastal protection from sea-level rise, flooding, cooling systems, food sustainability, and renewable and clean energy investments.

“With no hinterland to retreat to, Singapore has no choice but to invest long term in meeting the impacts of climate change.”

Climate change is the country’s greatest threat now. A recent analysis from its Meteorological Services and Centre for Climate Change Research says that floods could rise to 4 metres in the worst scenario. Singapore’s PM Lee Hsien Loong called climate change a matter of life and death and an existential threat to the country.

Although Singapore is small, it ranks 3rd in the world according to its GDP per capita. Like most wealthy countries, it has grown its economy through fossil fuel.

Singapore’s carbon footprint is enormous for its size. It emitted 52.5 million tons of CO2 in 2017 but since has pledged to reduce its emissions by 36% from 2005 to 2030.

Singapore has been warming twice as fast as the world in over six decades, and this decade, the country has experienced its hottest temperatures ever recorded. The article says without climate mitigation, its daily temperatures could climb to 37°C by 2100.

Singapore is no stranger to battling natural forces. According to the article, it has been pushing back the sea since the early 19th century.

It has increased its land area by 25 per cent through land reclamation. The country has spent over $600 million in reclamation projects between 1960 and 70s.

Now, it will again pay 100 times more in the next 50 to 100 years to protect and secure its economy from the threats of climate change.

To read the full article, click on the link below:

At the heart of Singapore’s climate adaptation measure is its coastal protection. The government commissioned a coastal adaptation study in 2013 to provide information and options to address sea-level rise and flooding issues. Read more by browsing the link in the “Sources” below.


Mokhtar, F. (2020, February 26). Singapore Has a S100 Billion Plan to Survive in a Far Hotter World Thank Experts Predicted. Bloomberg. Retrieved from

Coastal Protection. (2020, August 20). National Climate Change Secretariat. Retrieved from

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