Solar Cell Technology Can Make Buildings Generate Energy

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A group of researchers at Australia’s University of Queensland, lead by Professor Lianzhou Wang, have developed a new kind of solar cells that can capture the sun’s energy and turn it into electricity. Quantum dots are the latest development in solar cell technology and considered the “next generation of flexible skin-like solar arrays”.

What makes quantum dots different from the current solar cells.

“Current solar cells are made from monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon that is attached to or melted onto solar cells. The QT solar cells are based on a new class of quantum dots – manmade nano-sized crystals that can transfer electrons and electrical charge between one another when exposed to sunlight.”

This new solar cells can be sprayed on hard surfaces of the buildings and making it a source of renewable energy.

Quantum dots have been a curious subject among scientists in the past, but electrical conductivity hasn’t yet reached a scale suitable for production until recently when they have achieved real success.

The latest quantum dot cells are 25% more energy-efficient than its predecessor.  Thanks to Professor Wang’s success in improving the quantum dot’s energy capture from 13.4% to 16.5%  setting a world record for it.

Quantum dots have many advantages. It is cheaper to produce than silicon-based solar cell technology can be used to capture light indoors, and is compatible with affordable and large-scale printable technologies.  

It’s near 25% efficiency improvement is a game-changer from being a prospect to becoming commercially viable, according to Professor Wang.

This exciting breakthrough in solar cell technology will have significant implications on the transition to renewable energy and the race to reduce GHG emissions to mitigate climate change.

Watch the video below to learn more about quantum dot solar cell:

Source Citation:

Solar-cell technology breakthrough could make buildings a source of renewable power. (2020, November 11). InSite. Retrieved from

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