Urgent action is required to achieve the 1.5°C target. Investigate climate adaptation strategies in energy, industry, and agriculture.
Tag: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
Are Countries Leveraging Climate Pledges to Reduce Emissions?
Climate pledges are updated every five years. Yet WRI's review shows many fail to meet impactful goals, especially in behaviour shifts.
Cities’ Crucial Role in Meeting Global Climate Goals
UN analysis reveals that cities, responsible for 70% of global emissions, are crucial in achieving the Paris Agreement climate goals.
Proposed Five-Point Plan for 2025 NDCs of Participant Countries
2025 will be critical for global climate action. Find out how updated NDCs and a five-point strategy can drive significant progress.
Will COP26 Fulfill the Paris Agreement?
Climate change is now amongst us, and it is time for countries to take bold steps. Will COP26 be pivotal in fulfilling the Paris Agreement?
Countries Need to Redouble their Climate Change Actions
As countries update their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the UN calls on all parties to redouble their climate efforts urgently.