From cooling cities to combating climate change, trees are essential for life. What are the organisations that aim to conserve them?
Tag: reforestation
Restoring Forests is a Path to Increased Rainfall, Cooler Climates
Global reforestation initiatives are boosting rainfall and cooling the planet, offering multiple benefits beyond carbon sequestration.
Why Ecosystem-based Adaptation is an Excellent Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Option
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is gaining ground in fighting climate change, especially in developing and vulnerable countries.
Can We Plant Our Way Out of Climate Change?
Can we plant enough trees to suck up all human carbon dioxide emissions? How many trees will it take, and do we have enough land area for it?
The Cost of Planting Trees and Preserving Forest to Stop Climate Change
Planting more trees, afforestation, and preserving forests are considered critical solutions to absorb C02 emissions and prevent climate change.