These seven strategies for climate-resilient infrastructure were derived from the work of leaders across various sectors and disciplines.
Adapting Water Infrastructure to Climate Uncertainties Using Incremental Approach
One study shows that developing countries like Kenya can adapt their infrastructure to climate change using flexible infrastructure planning.
10 Climate Adaptation Case Studies in Europe
The European Climate Adaptation Platform has published a report highlighting 10 case studies on how Europe adapts to climate change.
Climate Adaptation Engagement in NZ Local Councils and Communities
Case studies from three New Zealand councils focus on the process of engaging with the community on climate adaptation and mitigation.
How Sea-level Rise Can Cause Multi-Mechanism Flooding and Infrastructure Damage
Findings show effective flood management strategies must consider sea-level-induced flooding and urban infrastructure failure.
Plummeting Costs of Renewable Energy and Battery Can Hasten Decarbonisation
A Goldman School of Public Policy report presents how the USA can achieve 90% carbon-free electricity by 2035.
Climate Change Adaptation in Japan – An example to Asian countries
Japan’s 100-page national climate adaptation plan provides details on how the country will tackle the challenges of climate change.
Are Dams Effective in Preventing and Protecting us from Sea-level Rise?
A study on sea-level rise says that dam constructions in the 1970s have played a significant role in restricting sea-level rise.
Smooth Roads Lead to Emission Reductions
A study reveals that maintenance of roads and highways can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2%, a good climate change mitigation action.
V2G Technology and its Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Vehicle-to-grid technology can enhance the decarbonisation of transportation and optimise renewable energy to power the grid and EVs.