Governments need to adequately invest in pre-emptive measures to enhance resilience and prepare for extreme climate events and threats.
Nelson City NZ’s Long-term Plan Lauded for Climate Change Focus
The city's LTP climate change foci are: how people will live and work, transport themselves, reduce waste & consumption, and protect nature.
Climate Adaptation and Resilience-Building through Valuing Indigenous Knowledge in Fiji
A resilient house is sturdy, can withstand extreme events due to climate change and natural disasters, and adapts to extreme changes.
Kaikoura’s Post-Disaster Recovery and the Build Back Better Framework
The study finds that Kaikoura's psychosocial and economic post-disaster recovery aligned with the BBB Framework, relevant for its recovery.
Climate Resilience and Disaster Recovery in Kerala and the BBB Framework
By examining Kerala's post-flood recovery, the study determined to what extent Kerala's post-disaster recovery matched the BBB practices.
Climate Change Crises and Solutions Discussed in Kolbert’s Latest Book
In her new book, Elizabeth Kolbert looks at how human activities changed the climate and our struggle to find responses to fix the problem.
Post-Disaster Recovery Transition Lessons from the 2010 Floods in Pakistan
A better understanding of the smooth transition of the various phases of the PDR can help policymakers and disaster management practitioners.
Building Resilience Better thru Partner Cities
The study's findings will help governments at various levels, practitioners of resilience and disaster risk management, and policymakers.
Climate Change Mitigation through the Bamboo
According to the project, growing Bamboo can rapidly capture CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in biomass and the soil.
Climate Adaptation in the Cook Islands Using the Build Back Better Framework
The study proposed using the Building Back Better Framework for climate change adaptation and disaster recovery in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.