TROPOMI can detect greenhouse gases that impact our air quality and climates, such as carbon dioxide, a major cause of global warming.
NZ University Offers Bachelor of Climate Change
The course will deliver graduates who will lead future climate change solutions as New Zealand meets its Net Zero emission targets by 2050.
The Transportation Network’s Role in Disaster and Community Resilience
This post features the study on enhancing transportation network understanding and improving disaster and community resilience.
Climate Adaptation Support for Transport Resilience in Africa and South Asia
The report aims to discover the knowledge status on climate adaptation for transport infrastructure resilience in Africa and South Asia.
Effective Climate Adaptation through Supporting Local Autonomy
The authors said that indigenous people must be empowered in choosing their climate change adaptation response as they have been there long.
Solar and Wind Energy Production On the Rise
Wind and solar energy are the fastest-growing sources of electricity based on Ember's annual review published on 30 March 2022.
Climate Adaptation and the Importance of Excellent Water Management
Climate change impacts on water, and its cascading effects on human health and the economy make a strong case for robust water management.
Explaining the Role of Clouds-Circulation Coupling in Climate
To study low-level tropical clouds and their reaction to the larger trade wind marine environment, researchers conducted the EUREC4A study.
IPCC AR6 Working Group III Mitigation of Climate Change
The IPCC released the third instalment of the 6th Assessment Report – Working Group III's contribution on 4th April 2022. Click to read more.
Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability, Risks and Adaptation in Africa
IPCC AR6 Working Group II Chapter 9 assesses climate change impacts, risks, vulnerability, and climate adaptation in Africa.