Georgia's climate adaptation efforts set a remarkable example for other vulnerable nations in building community resilience.
Kyrgyzstan’s Makes Artificial Glacier as a Climate Adaptation Strategy
Learn about Kyrgyzstan's climate adaptation success - using artificial glaciers to provide a viable water source for villagers and farms.
Are Heat Pumps a Climate-Friendly Solution to Reduce Carbon Footprint?
Heat pumps transform household heating, reduce carbon footprints, and lower energy bills. Can they mitigate climate change?
UN’s Inaugural Global Stocktake Unveils Urgent Climate Action Roadmap
The UN's inaugural global stocktake report is out, offering a stark assessment of the world's climate journey and the needed climate action.
France’s Reduced Energy Use Can Be a Global Blueprint for GHG Cuts
France's groundbreaking 'sobriety plan' is achieving energy efficiency and serving as a model for nations seeking energy reduction.
Rising Temperatures Threaten Photosynthesis and the Planet’s Future
Rising temperatures due to climate change are putting tropical forests in jeopardy, with consequences for carbon capture and cooling.
When Strong El Niño Mixes with Climate Change
Climate change exacerbates the looming El Niño threat, and experts call for global readiness measures in the face of this combined challenge.
Harnessing Southeast Asia’s Renewable Energy Potential
How can Southeast Asia turn climate challenges into economic opportunities? Explore this report highlighting the region's potential.
Review Reveals Gaps In Coastal Climate Adaptation Research
Coastal climate adaptation is crucial, but are we making progress globally? A review of 650 research studies uncovered disparities and gaps.
Climate Change Threatens Humans Beyond Livable Conditions
Climate change has a human cost. Find out how rising temperatures are pushing billions of people beyond livable conditions.