A Net-Zero Climate-Resilient Future Vision

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As part of the COP26, the International Science Council launched the “COP 26 Futures We want project.” The COP26 website says:

“The COP26 Futures We Want project, launched today, was commissioned ahead of the UK’s COP Presidency and included young people, Indigenous and rural communities, civil society, scientists, business and industry from across six regions of the world.”

“The results of the project are highlighted on the ISC’s Transform 21 global knowledge portal, and the ISC is supporting the dissemination of Futures We Want.”

“Bringing together communities from the UK, Jamaica, Brazil, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and India, the project explored diverse perspectives and solutions on topics such as agriculture and land use, city planning, waste and water management, reforestation, ocean conservation and electricity generation.”

Creating a globally net-zero, climate-resilient world by 2050 will require knowledge on two things – what solutions are feasible and what is desirable, which the project sought to solicit from the six strategically located countries in the world.

These six countries provided six visions exploring what climate-resilient and net-zero looks like in their part of the world.

These visions also highlight innovations that could make this future a reality and the wide-ranging benefits that come with it.

Six visions, One aim – A net-zero, climate-resilient future that people want to live in  

Arabian Peninsula. The region envisions a greener desert, a circular economy built on a more diverse energy mix, sustainable farming and living, protecting their natural resources and help people adapt to climate change.

They also want to boost the adoption of renewable energy into the grid, apply the Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technology, among many other hopes and ideas.

Kenya. The country in 2050 will have a natural landscape for indigenous crops and accessible and climate-resilient healthcare systems. The government fully utilizes its abundant renewable energy sources from solar, wind, and biofuels to meet its energy needs.

It will use hydroponics and vertical farming for food production, reforestation initiatives to expand its carbon sink and conserve resources. It plans to become water sustainable through underground water storage systems, drip irrigation, and rainwater harvesting.

India. Agroforestry across the subcontinent will flourish in 2050, along with traditional organic soil composting in the Himalayas and increased uptake of electric bikes, solar homes and wetland waste systems.  

The country will have shifted decisively away from fossil fuels while boosting its uptake of solar energy coupled with battery and hydrogen storage.

Jamaica in 2050 will have resilient root and tuber crops. Natural protection from storms through reef and mangrove swamps restoration, new infrastructure, and new tourism models will unlock economic opportunities.

Brazil will harness the power of the Amazon’s biodiversity. Through green infrastructure, the country will raise its citizen’s standard of living. Forest-friendly farming techniques will balance its food security, economic growth and environmental protection.

Brazil will protect its essential ecosystems and forest as a crucial carbon sink by giving incentives for farmers. It will also crackdown on illegal logging and land clearance and promote “deforestation-free” products for export.

The United Kingdom will have a network of wind farms that powers the country. Carbon emissions are captured and reused in a range of industries. Through infrastructure investments, renewable energy is storable and flexible. UK’s homes have moved to low-carbon heating.

The country will have a new relationship with the land – uplands are reforested, peatlands restored to store carbon. Through precise AI-driven farming and robotic weeding, there will be more produce from less land.

To know more about the project, click the link below:

Source Citation:

Global citizens and scientists on how to achieve a thriving net-zero future. (2021, September 21). International Science Council. Retrieved from https://council.science/current/blog/global-citizens-and-scientists-on-how-to-achieve-a-thriving-net-zero-future/

Six Vision. One Aim. (2021). UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021. Retrieved from https://www.futureswewant.world/about

Futures We Want. (2021). UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021. Retrieved from https://www.futureswewant.world/

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