If you still think climate change is a myth, perhaps the evidence of receding ice sheets and melting glaciers in Greenland will convince you otherwise.
A BBC news article finds researchers astounded by Greenland’s massive ice melt. The report says that one glacier in southern Greenland has thinned by as much as 100 meters since 2004.
You might be wondering about the significance of Greenland’s melting ice sheet. It holds enough frozen water to raise the sea level by up to 7 meters.
Increased greenhouse gas and carbon emissions due to industrial development are raising atmospheric temperatures and melting ice sheets. According to Dr Jason Box of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, temperatures are expected to climb in the coming years.
He fears that we are losing Greenland and that it’s only a matter of time. He warns that coastal planners need to prepare, referring to the potential dangers of sea-level rise caused by melting glaciers.
The article says that this year alone, the amount of melted ice is enough to raise the sea level by more than a millimetre. Now, a millimetre of sea-level rise may not sound very impressive, the report continues, but if the speed to which the ice sheet is melting continues, it will inundate low-lying areas such as Bangladesh, Florida, and eastern England, causing havoc to residents living there.
Climate change is indeed happening. Evidence is found in the data collected over the years showing that ice sheets in Greenland are receding, melting by billions of tonnes of ice.
How fast it is melting, how it affects its residents, and what they are doing about it are discussed further in the article.
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