Ross Waugh discusses how New Zealand can build infrastructure resilience and better prepare its locals in coastal and low-lying areas.
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
Building Back Better and Implementing NZ’s National Adaptation Plan
Ross Waugh discusses climate adaptation infrastructure management and how NZ can build back better after natural disasters.
Adapting Infrastructure to Cope with Frequent Extreme Weather
Read about the outcomes of COP27, where world leaders discussed climate mitigation and adaptation strategies to tackle the climate crisis.
Climate Change Linked to Malaria Spread
A study confirms that climate change is causing malaria-carrying mosquitoes to move into new areas, spreading the deadly disease.
Is Environmentalism Hindering Renewable Energy in the USA?
America is getting prepared to transition to renewable energy. Some environmentalists are weaponising environmental laws to stall projects.
Indo-Burma Region’s Climate Adaptation Showcased
The report highlights 17 initiatives funded by Mekong WET to enhance ecosystem services and support climate change adaptation in wetlands.
New CO2 Removal Methods Needed to Meet Paris Climate Goals
The report calls for the rapid uptake of novel carbon dioxide removal methods to achieve the goals of the Paris climate agreement.
Ocean Acidification’s Effects on Marine Life and Livelihoods
Watch a new film exploring the real-life impacts of ocean acidification on a Native Alaskan community and learn why this concerns us all.
Climate Change Poses Growing Risk of Superbugs, Says UN Report
A new report by the UN Environment Program warns that climate change and pollution increase the risk posed by antibiotic-resistant viruses.
Investing on Seaweed to Curb Livestock Methane Emissions
Discover how an innovative solution from seaweed could be a game-changer in reducing emissions and mitigating climate change.