Simulated droughts in grasslands and shrublands reduce growth and CO2 absorptions - a concerning climate change issue.
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
National Climate Adaptation Plans and their Importance
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process is a meaningful way that countries can build their resilience to climate change impacts.
Climate Adaptation and Social Capital Can Reduce Conflict Risk
Climate change compounds risks when they interact with existing vulnerabilities. Climate adaptation can help mitigate.
Is Climate Change Pushing the Earth to Disastrous Tipping Points?
Climate tipping points (CTPs) are a source of growing scientific, policy, and public concern. Are we heading beyond the warming threshold?
What Extreme Climate Events Worldwide Tell Us?
Can this year's sequence of extreme events be blamed on climate change? Are climate predictions accurate? Read the article to know more.
Measuring Flood Resilience in Rural Philippines
The report presents the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities process to assist Philippine rural communities' resilience to floods.
Leveraging NDCs for Climate Change Support
Countries could effectively lobby for more climate change loss and damage aid by detailing scale and nature in the plans submitted to the UN.
Europe’s Energy Demands Create Coal Rush
Rising coal demands in Europe to replace natural gas and coal from Russia have increased coal mining and shipments in African countries.
Managing Water Resources for Climate Resilience
Improved water management can create opportunities for climate adaptation and mitigation and build water supply resilience in the community.
Dire Effects of West Africa’s Yearly Floods
Yearly floods in West Africa's cities are causing misery to its residents - claiming lives and damaging infrastructure and properties.