A study reveals that maintenance of roads and highways can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2%, a good climate change mitigation action.
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
V2G Technology and its Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Vehicle-to-grid technology can enhance the decarbonisation of transportation and optimise renewable energy to power the grid and EVs.
The “Million-mile Battery” and its Impact on Decarbonisation
The million-mile battery will be a game changer, a big help to decarbonisation and the shift to renewable energy to mitigate climate change.
NZ SOLGM’s Climate Change Reports – Valuable Resources for Local Governments
Local councils in New Zealand understand that climate change is a significant challenge that must be considered in their long-term plans.
Invercargill NZ is Trailblazing Renewable Heating System to Reduce Emissions
Invercargill NZ’s plan to invest in a renewable heating network project will improve the city’s air quality and reduce CO2 emissions.
The Green Book, South Africa’s Online Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience Tool
The Green Book exemplifies how local governments can use a website platform to assist in long-term planning and climate adaptation.
Korea Attributes Record-Breaking Monsoon to Climate Change
The monsoon in Korea caused floods and landslides, highlighting climate change's seriousness and the need for resilience.
Carbon Pricing to Mitigate Climate Change
The OECD report mentions that carbon pricing is an efficient tool for reducing carbon emissions because emitters pay for them.
Climate Change Inclusion in NZ Councils’ Long Term Plans
Local councils in New Zealand recognise climate change as a significant future issue for long-term planning.
Report Reveals NZ’s Most Urgent Climate Risks
The NCCRA report shows NZ's most significant risks in 5 domains - natural environment, human, economy, built environment, and governance.