Tongans are still recovering from the devastation from the January 15 underground volcanic eruption. They can learn from Fiji's experience.
Category: Climate Adaptation Engineering
Urban Planning and Architecture Based on Climate Adaptation Studies
Climate-friendly urban designs like greening, planted roofs, reflective materials can make a city climate-resilient and reduce GHG emissions.
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation through Urban Planning
Urban planning and design can effectively tackle climate change by addressing climate adaptation and mitigation.
Engineers’ Role in Fixing Climate Change
Engineers have a role in fixing climate change - factoring climate-related events and climate adaptation in their designs, decarbonisations.
Clever Climate Adaptation Solution Versus Coastal Erosion at Granity NZ
This smart climate adaptation solution could be used in coastal cities and towns vulnerable to erosion that the changing climate may bring.
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Using Innovative Technology Methods
Read innovative approaches to large-scale climate technology implementation for climate adaptation and mitigation in developing nations.
Climate Adaptation of Transport Infrastructure Worldwide
The TRB circular provides climate adaptation information for planners and researchers in state and local transportation agencies.
Climate Adaptation Engineering Strategies for Managing Infrastructure
The study examines climate change's impact on infrastructure and people, applying climate adaptation engineering to address these issues.