Pacific Island nations are fortifying their transportation infrastructure with the help of the World Bank's $338 million investment.
Category: Climate Adaptation World Bank Report
Disaster Risk Finance a Critical Climate Adaptation Solution in Africa
The Disaster Risk Financial and Insurance Program (DRFIP) help African countries become more financially prepared to face disasters.
Climate-Smart Infrastructure Investments in Africa Needed
Climate change adaptation investments and policies to activate resources are vital to a better economy in sub-Saharan Africa, WB report says.
WBG’s Climate Change Action Plan Supports Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development
The World Bank Group's climate change action plan set out its new targets to guide its work from 2021 to 2025.
WB’s Climate Action Plan Will Boost Adaptation and Mitigation Funding
The World Bank revealed its climate change action plan, saying that climate change is one of the defining challenges of our generation.
The Philippines Climate Risk and Adaptation
The WB report summarizes the Philippines' climate baseline, future projections, recent trends, and impacts on natural hazard vulnerability.
The World Bank Group’s Global Climate Data and Information Hub
The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) gives info on historical and future climate danger and impacts for development practitioners and policymakers.
Vanuatu Gets $10M from WB for Climate Adaptation and Disaster Resilience
Vanuatu, a Pacific SIDS, is vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change impacts and requires assistance.
Is the Philippines Getting a Firm Grip on Climate Change?
The Philippines has many resources, capabilities, and the best potential to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Understanding Climate and Disaster Resilient Transport in Small Island Developing States
Transport infrastructures are affected badly in island countries in the Caribbean, Pacific, Africa, and the Indian Ocean regions.