There are two types of carbon offset – carbon reduction and carbon removal. Carbon removal is done using carbon capture technology.
Category: Climate Adaptation
Climate Adaptation in Singapore – Building Eco-Smart Homes and Cities
To adapt to the effects of climate change and to mitigate their GHG emissions, Singapore plans to build an eco-towns, smart homes and cities.
How Energy Production Affects GHG emissions and Climate Change
Energy production, conventional or renewable has environmental impact. Know how we can help in GHG emissions, mitigate climate change.
Making Dense Cities More Liveable thru Better Design and Planning
How urban living could be bliss. Some examples of metropolitan cities around the world showing what it is like to live in dense urban areas.
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2020 Evaluates Climate Planning Progress
Read to know where each country stands in terms of their climate adaptation efforts and implementation, the gaps in adaptation and mitigation.
The Cost of Planting Trees and Preserving Forest to Stop Climate Change
Increasing tree planting and protecting forests are essential for absorbing CO2 emissions and combating climate change.
Natural and Powerful Coastal Defences Against Climate Change Impacts
Researchers have found natural, cost-effective, and powerful climate adaptation and mitigation solutions to climate change impacts.
Philippines’ Department of Climate Change Bill Aims to Strengthen the Country’s Adaptation and Mitigation Programs
The Philippines aims to strengthen its climate change adaptation and mitigation programs through the Department of Climate Change bill.
Studying Seawater Desalination’s Effects as a Climate Adaptation Solution
The relationship between successful and unsuccessful climate adaptation outcomes is examined through seawater desalination.
Adapting to Climate Change through Retrofitting Unused Urban Spaces
South African cities are facing the impacts of climate change. To adapt to these effects, cities should retrofit or repurpose unused spaces.