This smart climate adaptation solution could be used in coastal cities and towns vulnerable to erosion that the changing climate may bring.
Category: Climate Adaptation
Sri Lanka Launches National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change Impacts
The capacity of Sri Lanka to adjust to climate change is contingent upon its vulnerability and adaptive capacity.
Bangladesh Adapts and Mitigates Climate Change Effects
Bangladesh, a calamity-vulnerable country, prioritises climate adaptation and mitigation projects with the help of the World Bank.
Ports Around the World are Vulnerable to Climate change
Ports worldwide are vulnerable to extreme events, as the port infrastructure is inherently exposed to multiple elements.
Are Plastic Roads Ready for Commercial Launch?
An August-September Asia Pacific Infrastructure magazine article features a road made from 70% recycled plastic.
Low-Carbon Infrastructure and Carbon Neutrality Asset Managers Must Factor In
Asset managers must include low-carbon options and carbon neutrality in infrastructure renewal, upgrades, and maintenance plans.
Climate Adaptation Explained in this UN Video Documentary
The UN video "Adapting to a Changing Climate" shows the impacts of climate change worldwide and explains why climate adaptation is necessary.
Stories of Migrants in Australia Adapting to Climate Change
No strangers to climate change, these migrants in Australia are adapting again, using the knowledge they gained in their native country.
Adapting Water Infrastructure to Climate Uncertainties Using Incremental Approach
One study shows that developing countries like Kenya can adapt their infrastructure to climate change using flexible infrastructure planning.
NZ SOLGM’s Climate Change Reports – Valuable Resources for Local Governments
Local councils in New Zealand understand that climate change is a significant challenge that must be considered in their long-term plans.