Two articles on climate resilience. The importance of resilient infrastructure to meet climate change extreme events and climate adaptation approaches.
Category: Climate Resilience
Climate Change Will Demand More Power Generation Capacity Infrastructure
Effective climate-water adaptation strategies for future electric generation in the USA should prioritize renewable-based power solutions.
Enhancing Urban Flood Resilience Study – A Climate Adaptation Approach
A study on urban flood resilience applies an interdisciplinary and catchment-based approach using Elwood, a suburb in Melbourne Australia as a case study.
A Study on Surface Water Flooding Shows Climate Adaptation Option
The paper applies an adaptation pathways approach to compare alternative options in dealing with current and future flood risks due to climate change.
Climate Information and Services are Helping Vulnerable Countries Adapt to Climate Change
The UNDP climate change information website helps users make informed decisions, adapt, and build resilience against climate extremes.
Water and Climate Change, a UN 2020 Report
The 2020 UN World Water Development Report emphasizes the links between water sustainability and climate change.
Climate Change Impacts in the Next 3 Decades
The 160+ page report offers detailed data on climate risks, physical hazards, and their socio-economic impacts globally.
Trade-offs Between Climate Change Adaptation and Urban Planning
To address climate change and urbanization, prioritizing climate adaptation and mitigation in land use planning is essential.
Climate Change Actions – Canada Reduces Crude Oil Processing, USA Invests in Renewables
Canada is cutting oil extraction due to climate policies, while the USA is boosting renewable energy and limiting fossil fuels.
Doing Quantitative Assessment of Infrastructure System Resilience
Quantitative assessment of infrastructure resilience will strengthen climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.