PM Jacinda Ardern and Climate Change Commission Minister James Shaw shared the draft advice on how NZ attain its emissions reduction targets.
Category: Environment
The Climate in 2020 and What’s in Store for the New Year
Know the five climate change indicators and "measures of climate health" in 2020 and the climate challenge we face in 2021.
The Cost of Planting Trees and Preserving Forest to Stop Climate Change
Planting more trees, afforestation, and preserving forests are considered critical solutions to absorb C02 emissions and prevent climate change.
Natural and Powerful Coastal Defences Against Climate Change Impacts
Researchers have found a natural, cost-effective, and powerful climate adaptation and mitigation solutions to climate change impacts.
Oregon’s Climate Change Experiences and Adaptation Options
Oregon's Climate Assessment report shows climate change effects, and extreme events impact the state's economics and racial inequality.
Climate Adaptation Awareness Needed to Address Urban Climate Phenomena
The study reveals the lack of adequate adaptation strategies implemented because of a general lack of awareness of urban climate events.
Vertical Forest for Future Cities
Vertical forests are high rise buildings that incorporate trees and plants in urban design, which Italian architect Stefano Boeri pioneered.
Is Australia Finally Saying Goodbye to Its Coalmines?
The Hunter Region in Australia is bracing for the impending decline of the coal industry. Key customers are reducing emissions and switching to clean energy.
Climate Change Reversal with these Top 10 Solutions
Top 10 out of 100 solutions from Paul Hawken’s book, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.
Climate Change’s Impact on Human Health
Climate change causes unstable environmental conditions and weather variations, which could aid in the proliferation of diseases, old and new.