The study “Drought Preparedness and Drought Mitigation in the Developing World’s Drylands” considers drought an extreme climate affecting food security for more than two billion people living in dry areas. Drought impacts will also influence economic development, land degradation, and social conflicts.
Climate models are unanimous in their predictions that significant parts of our planet will become drier and hotter.
The paper presents successful research results and case studies on the application of some innovative techniques, demonstrating excellent results in coping with drought and contributing to food security in dry areas.
The Dryland Systems program is an integrated agroecosystems approach and science-based solution for helping areas prepare for and cope with drought and water scarcity.
This approach involves crops, livestock, rangeland, trees, soils, water, and policies. Researchers believe that a broad and more inclusive path is more sustainable and will best improve the livelihoods of people threatened by droughts and water scarcity.
The study also features efficient irrigation and agricultural systems management and the value of conserving and collecting dryland crops and their wild varieties to safeguard valuable plant genetic materials and bolster resilient food protection amid an extreme climate in the future.
The study’s information and lessons will be beneficial to areas that regularly experience droughts, especially because of their direct effect on food production.
As climate change will make droughts and water scarcity more frequent, this study will encourage communities and local governments to find innovative ways of climate change adaptation and protect their food security for years to come.
To read more about the Dryland System approach and the drought adaptation and mitigation strategies applied in the study, click on the link below:
Sohl, M. & van Ginkel, M. (2014, June). Drought preparedness and drought mitigation in the developing world’s drylands. Elsevier. Weather and Climate Extremes. Retrieved from
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