Climate Adaptation Engagement in NZ Local Councils and Communities

Home / Case Study / Climate Adaptation Engagement in NZ Local Councils and Communities
climate adaptation local government new zealand

The Local Government of New Zealand released the report “Community Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation,” which discusses the crucial role of community engagement in adapting to climate change.

There has been a growing awareness of climate change adaptation and mitigation among councils throughout New Zealand. However, the vital question that communities, councils, and central governments need to answer is how these will be translated into actions and whether our current systems can deliver these actions and changes.

Communities can contribute to adaptation in two ways. First, they should be involved in discussions about preparing for and planning for climate change.  

Second, community engagement can influence transparent decisions made by the local council and central government regarding climate change response and adaptation.  

Coastal communities in New Zealand exposed to sea-level rises are beginning to experience the effects of climate change. Land areas are rezoned and red-zoned due to damage caused by saltwater ingress or infrastructure damage from frequent storm surges and inundation. The report says that these impacts can have a flow-on effect on individuals and communities, affecting their autonomy and well-being.

Local councils in New Zealand are leading the way in addressing climate change with their communities; however, there are some barriers and challenges to doing this effectively, and the central government needs further support and guidance.  

The report features three district councils in New Zealand – Dunedin City Council, Christchurch City Council, both on the south island, and Kaipara District Council on the north island as case studies in community engagement.

The case studies do not focus on climate challenges or the implementation of climate adaptation strategies; instead, they focus on the community engagement process.

These case studies demonstrate what is working well, what is proving challenging, and what support or change at the national level could make the engagement more effective.

To view the report, click on the button below:

Source Citation:

Community engagement on climate change adaptation. (2020 August). LGNZ. Retrieved from

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