Developments in risk science and approaches to resilience are crucial in addressing climate change risks and climate adaptation.
Tag: disaster risk reduction
Disaster Risk Reduction Report Calls for Governance Transformation
The Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction explores how structures worldwide evolve to address systemic risks better.
Climate Adaptation and the Importance of Excellent Water Management
Climate change impacts on water, and its cascading effects on human health and the economy make a strong case for robust water management.
Studying Cyclones for Better Disaster Response in Bangladesh
A study on cyclones in Bangladesh seeks to know the hazards, probability and intensity and determine risks to life and infrastructure.
Climate Resilience Needed in Southeast Asia
Climate change threatens Southeast Asian countries. A study features climate resilience suggestions for vulnerable countries.
Landslide and Disaster Preparedness in Japan
Climate change makes extreme weather events happen more frequently, but Japan is no stranger to landslides, flooding, and managing disasters.
Kaikoura’s Post-Disaster Recovery and the Build Back Better Framework
The study finds that Kaikoura's psychosocial and economic post-disaster recovery aligned with the BBB Framework, relevant for its recovery.
Post-Disaster Recovery Transition Lessons from the 2010 Floods in Pakistan
A better understanding of the smooth transition of the various phases of the PDR can help policymakers and disaster management practitioners.
Building Resilience Better thru Partner Cities
The study's findings will help governments at various levels, practitioners of resilience and disaster risk management, and policymakers.
Climate Adaptation in the Cook Islands Using the Build Back Better Framework
The study proposed using the Building Back Better Framework for climate change adaptation and disaster recovery in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.