The Science for Disaster Risk Management 2020 report moves from identifying problems to providing solutions sharing information.
Tag: disaster risk reduction
Learning from Japan’s Disaster-Proofing Strategies
Japan invests in disaster risk reduction, seismic engineering, artificial intelligence, modern techniques, and climate resilience structures.
Multi-Hazard Early Warning (MHEW) and Disaster Risk Reduction Symposium 2020
MHEW symposium promotes research and technology, supporting the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2020.
Brown Bag Resilience Series of Webinars (LINZ & MoT)
The Brown Bag Resilience Series will be a string of short webinars on disaster risk reduction, emergency mgt, and climate change adaptation.
Best Practices on Post-Disaster Recovery from Extreme Climate Events
Countries with the same issues can use this report as a reference and basis for their climate adaptation and post-disaster recovery programs.
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Implementation Report
This report details how Member States monitor their implementation of the Sendai Framework, which has seven targets and 38 indicators.
What Infrastructure Are Required to Reduce Disaster Risks in Bangladesh?
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in Asia to climate change due to its geographical location and land characteristics.