The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process is a meaningful way that countries can build their resilience to climate change impacts.
Climate Adaptation Explained in this UN Video Documentary
The UN video "Adapting to a Changing Climate" shows the impacts of climate change worldwide and explains why climate adaptation is necessary.
Climate Adaptation Challenges in India and Developed Countries
An interesting paper on the Academia website discusses the challenges that India faces in designing and implementing climate adaptation plans.
Climate Change Conference COP26 Starts 31 October 2021
COP26 will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, from 13 October to 12 November 2021 after last year's postponement due to COVID-19.
Greenhouse Gas Levels Reaches New High, UN Fears Severe Climate Change Impacts
The UNFCCC's news states that the atmosphere has increased greenhouse gases. Impacts of climate change are expected.