Two Ways to Adapt to Sea-Level Rise

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Two Ways to Adapt to Sea-Level Rise

An article published in Forbes claims there is something good about sea-level rise. Firstly, the article talks about the certainty of climate change and how its impact will unfold on the East and West Coasts of America.

On the West Coast, seawater is pushed inland due to sea-level rise, killing its plants and destroying its native trees and forest. The Union of Concerned Scientists, according to the article, predicts 380 flooding events by 2045 in Washington DC alone.

On the East Coast, sea-level rise and the intense storm surges and precipitations due to the heat trapped in the oceans will cause frequent flooding. The article says, inundation will be a daily happening and will destroy the billions worth of properties and infrastructure that will send a ripple effect through its financial systems.

The good news about this is people and investors are prepared to adapt. The article says they have the means to adapt to climate change through technology and innovation.

Investors are now preparing for a future where the sea-level rise and climate change will cause inundation and flooding regularly.

Using computer modelling applications

One such company is First Street Foundation, a non-profit research and technology group that uses computer modelling that provides information to homebuyers about the financial risks of purchasing a property in a flood-prone area. Not only that they calculate the inundation that sea-level rise causes but also storm surge, rain, and river flooding.

Lifting structures, houses, and buildings

Another innovative company called Kradle sets out to lift structures, houses, and buildings in flood-prone areas in case of a deluge.

The lifting technology was first used in the 18th century using wood and hydraulic lifts. Since then, the technology has been dramatically improved, according to the article.

Also, the new lifting technology only takes as few as two people to assemble and operate the equipment and can lift the structure to a ‘clear height’ of 20 feet.

Lifting can be temporary or permanent. ‘Rather than having an in-home elevator, clients will have a whole-home elevator’, the article says.

The company has signed a New Zealand-based operating partner, and it is growing fast worldwide as its ‘order book is filling up quickly, the article adds.

Lifting structures can be an effective adaptation measure when inundation is infrequent and temporarily, but with the frequency of flooding predicted to increase, will this be practical. Will it be a long-term solution?

How about in coastal areas where erosion is happening due to sea-level rise?

Would your government and communities invest in this type of climate adaptation solution?

Are there other better climate adaptation solutions available?

Please share your thoughts in the comment form at the bottom of this post.

To read the entire article, click on the link below:


Solmon, E.K. (2019, October 25). Have You Heard The Good News About Sea-Level Rise? [article]. Forbes. Retrieved from

PHOTO CREDIT: By B137 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

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