Dr. Behrooz Balaei and colleagues studied the technical factors affecting the resilience of water supply systems to disasters.
How Flooding in a Changing Climate and Urbanisation Presents Opportunities
Traditional approach to water and flood management treats water as a "problem" and so, engineer-led. A new approach sees water as a potential opportunity.
Climate Change Conferences and Seminars Postponed due to COVID-19
We have a list of climate change conferences that have been cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Stay tuned for updates.
Climate Adaptation Waylaid as Govts Fight COVID-19 Pandemic and Boost the Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic caused governments to focus on fighting it via lockdowns while keeping the economy going, so postponing climate adaptation actions.
A Study on Surface Water Flooding Shows Climate Adaptation Option
The paper applies an adaptation pathways approach to compare alternative options in dealing with current and future flood risks due to climate change.
Climate Information and Services are Helping Vulnerable Countries Adapt to Climate Change
The UNDP climate change information website helps users make informed decisions, adapt, and build resilience against climate extremes.
Water and Climate Change, a UN 2020 Report
The 2020 UN World Water Development Report emphasizes the links between water sustainability and climate change.
Climate Change Impacts in the Next 3 Decades
The 160+ page report offers detailed data on climate risks, physical hazards, and their socio-economic impacts globally.
Water Resource Planning Study Factors Climate and Socio-Economic Uncertainty
Climatic and socio-economic factors affect water resources. Researchers found that iterative Decision-Making Under Uncertainty is effective.
Using Sea-Level Science to Manage Climate Change Risks
An overview of sea-level science for decision-makers and communities to develop future coastal adaptation strategies.