This post discusses the impact of infrastructure on carbon emissions and emphasizes the necessity for low-carbon infrastructure.
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
The Infrastructure Industry’s Role in Safeguarding the Environment and the People
The article highlights the role of the infrastructure industry and construction to safeguard the environment; covers climate adaptation and mitigation.
Climate Change Adaptation through Nature-based Horizontal Levees
The study examines a nature-based horizontal levee that offers flood protection and improves water quality while aiding climate adaptation.
Pacific Climate Change Centre Establishment in Samoa
The Pacific Climate Change Centre is a partnership between the governments of Japan and Samoa that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) funded.
Is Humanity’s Impact on Climate Irreversible?
According to The Economist, human activity has damaged the earth's climate and carbon cycle, which requires substantial efforts to reverse.
Middle East States are Adopting Solar Power
Arab states are embracing renewable energy. Between 2008 to 2012, investments in solar energy has increased by 12 folds, the Economist article says.
Climate Adaptive Rice Production Under Global Warming
The study analyzed how climate change affects rice production and growth due to rising temperatures and increased CO2 levels.
Mitigating the Urban Heat Island Effect in Mediterranean Climate
The study examines the use of green spaces as solutions to mitigate urban heat island effect (UHI) and as a climate adaptation measure to climate change.
The Policy and Economic Pathways for Deep Decarbonisation in the US
The "Policy Implications of Deep Decarbonization in the US" outlines the economic and policy effects of deep decarbonization in the US.
Climate Mitigation through Adopting a Low-Carbon Concrete Building Code
Marin County has adopted a low-carbon concrete building code as a model for climate mitigation for other towns and cities.