Climate change causes extreme weather that threatens wastewater treatment facilities and spreads toxic substances.
Author: Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate Adaptation Platform )
Climate Adaptation through Nature-based Approaches in Urban Areas
The study highlights climate change hazards urban residents face and their potential to worsen social, ecological, and technological impacts.
Developing a Framework for Integrating Climate Change Impacts on Infrastructure LCA
This study looks into the impact of climate change on the operational and structural performance of infrastructures such as roads, bridges, and buildings.
Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change to the Electric Sector of Europe
Leonie Wenz and her team study how climate warming will polarize electricity consumption between northern and southern European countries.
Enhancing Urban Flood Resilience Study – A Climate Adaptation Approach
A study on urban flood resilience applies an interdisciplinary and catchment-based approach using Elwood, a suburb in Melbourne Australia as a case study.
A Study on the Technical Dimension of the Water Supply’s Resilience to Disaster
Dr. Behrooz Balaei and colleagues studied the technical factors affecting the resilience of water supply systems to disasters.
How Flooding in a Changing Climate and Urbanisation Presents Opportunities
Traditional approach to water and flood management treats water as a "problem" and so, engineer-led. A new approach sees water as a potential opportunity.
Climate Change Conferences and Seminars Postponed due to COVID-19
We have a list of climate change conferences that have been cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Stay tuned for updates.
Climate Adaptation Waylaid as Govts Fight COVID-19 Pandemic and Boost the Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic caused governments to focus on fighting it via lockdowns while keeping the economy going, so postponing climate adaptation actions.
A Study on Surface Water Flooding Shows Climate Adaptation Option
The paper applies an adaptation pathways approach to compare alternative options in dealing with current and future flood risks due to climate change.