Best Practices on Post-Disaster Recovery from Extreme Climate Events

Home / Case Study / Best Practices on Post-Disaster Recovery from Extreme Climate Events
climate adaptation post-disaster recovery

Climate change is bringing in more significant variation in weather conditions. For instance, in arid regions, the heat is becoming more intense and causing severe and more prolonged droughts.

Tropical areas are experiencing record rainfalls and flooding, while coastal areas and communities are facing coastal erosion and sea-water ingress both from rising sea-levels and storm surges from hurricanes and storms.

For developing countries and least developed countries, these rising numbers of natural disasters are bringing devastation to their livelihoods, public infrastructure, and setting back what economic progress they have made.

With climate change and rising natural disasters at the backdrop, a country or community’s capacity to bounce back and recover quickly from disasters is vital.

The United Nations have compiled good practices on post-discovery that are being carried out in the different countries from Africa, Asia, East Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The report, Global Compendium of Good Practices on post-disaster recovery highlights initiatives delivered by the local and national government of each county, civil society organization, communities, academia, private sectors, and in some cases administered with support from the United Nations.

Some of the examples of good post-disaster recovery initiatives in the report include:

  • Resilient Recovery from drought in Kenya
  • Resilience building in Malawi in their communities who have experienced flood displacements
  • Post-flood recovery in Niger
  • Use of drone technology in post-disaster recovery assessment in Bangladesh
  • Post-disaster “build-back-better” recovery practice focused on energy efficiency in public facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Reducing Disaster risks in Haiti, and many others.

These case studies of post-disaster recovery programs and initiatives that the United Nations compiled show how countries can build adaptive capacity, resilience, and to bounce back quickly from disasters which will be especially helpful considering that more extreme natural events are expected due to climate change.

Countries grappling with the same issues can use this report as a reference and as a basis for their climate adaptation and post-disaster recovery program.

To read the entire UN report, click the link in the “Source” section below.

Global Compendium of Good Practices on post-disaster recovery. (2020). United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved from

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