How Old Cars Affects Developing Nations’ Climate Change Efforts

Home / Climate Articles and News / How Old Cars Affects Developing Nations’ Climate Change Efforts
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BBC reports that rich countries like Japan, Europe, and the US are ‘dumping’ their old and dirty cars to developing countries.

According to a report published by the UN Environment Programme, between 2015 and 2018, some 14 million cars were exported to developing countries. More than half of these went to Africa, and the rest to Asia and Latin America.

These cars also emit 90 per cent more carbon dioxide and delicate particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, which are significant sources of air pollution.  

These cars are also stripped of valuable parts like airbags, anti-lock brake systems, and catalytic converters, making them unsafe to drive and failing to meet their exporting countries’ minimum safety and environmental standards.

The article says that these imports may cause rising accidents in African and Asian countries.

Zimbabwe and 30 African countries do not impose age limits on cars, so these polluting and unsafe cars remain on the roads for as long as possible.

Stientje van Veldhoven, the Netherlands environmental minister, expressed concerns about these trade practices.  

According to Mr Veldhoven, addressing this problem would require a coordinated European approach, close cooperation between European and African governments, and actions on both ends of the supply chain.

He added that developed countries should not export these unroadworthy vehicles, and importing countries should have put some minimum standards a long time ago.

Climate scientists have repeatedly warned us about the impending dangers of climate change. Poor and developing countries – countries that are recipients of these old and dirty cars, are the ones most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

After reading the news, one may wonder whether the current climate change information and warnings go deep enough to inspire change in behaviour or action from the highest level of government to industries and the community, especially those most vulnerable to its effects.

As Mr Veldhoven says, the “onus is not only on the exporting country; it is really a joint responsibility”.

To read the entire news article, click on the link below:


McGrath, M. (2020, October 27). Climate change: ‘Dangerous and dirty’ used cars sold to Africa. BBC News. Retrieved from

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