A new study examines the importance of learning and how scientific knowledge can become relevant and valuable to society. Given climate change’s long-term and wide-ranging impacts, knowing its risks can assist decision-making and improve climate adaptation.
According to researchers, education can help people better adapt to climate change.
In their paper, “Three roles for education in climate change adaptation,” the authors explain that “education is a powerful tool in enabling effective adaptation to climate change”.
Researchers defined education as a dynamic and ongoing process, not just a passive passing of information to a learner.
The three roles of education in climate adaptation that researchers cited in the paper are the following:
- Protecting and deploying education infrastructure to reduce vulnerability and build resilience. Infrastructure here refers to the people and materials that education depends on.
- Improving general education in terms of literacy, school attendance, and overall academic attainment,
- Research-based adaptation learning supports preparing for and learning from climate impacts.
Adaptation learning can use various forms and tools, such as computer-based simulations to understand critical disaster responses, the exchange of information between experts and stakeholders, and pedagogical strategies or multiple teaching approaches or techniques.
The paper concludes that the “value of education for adaptation policy goes far beyond boosting awareness and disseminating information. Our framework draws attention to the important roles of education – systematic support for learning – in climate change adaptation, encouraging a subtle but profound shift in emphasis from adaptation decision-making to adaptation learning.”
In its many forms, education is a powerful tool to enable climate adaptation.
The paper also discusses the importance of the adaptation learning support for stakeholders and decision-makers before and during the climate adaptation process.
Adaptation learning support makes adaptation more effective while building capacity for future projects.
To read the entire paper, CLICK on the link below:
N. W. Feinstein & K. J. Mach (2019): Three roles for education in climate change adaptation, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1701975
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