A study reveals that maintenance of roads and highways can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2%, a good climate change mitigation action.
Category: Climate Research
V2G Technology and its Role in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Vehicle-to-grid technology can enhance the decarbonisation of transportation and optimise renewable energy to power the grid and EVs.
The “Million-mile Battery” and its Impact on Decarbonisation
The million-mile battery will be a game changer, a big help to decarbonisation and the shift to renewable energy to mitigate climate change.
Report Reveals NZ’s Most Urgent Climate Risks
The NCCRA report shows NZ's most significant risks in 5 domains - natural environment, human, economy, built environment, and governance.
NZ RA Report Says Built Environment Needs Urgent Climate Action
The Environment Ministry's "National Climate Change Risks Assessment" report cites the built environment as NZ's climate action priority.
Use of Low-Impact Development for Stormwater Adaptation
Low-impact development and green infrastructure are good options for climate adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change.
Climate Adaptation of Transport Infrastructure Worldwide
The TRB circular provides climate adaptation information for planners and researchers in state and local transportation agencies.
Climate Change Adaptation and Impact in Asia Pacific Forests
The study says climate change impacts vary by region; therefore, adaptation strategies and policies should be tailored and contextualized.
Climate Adaptation Engineering Strategies for Managing Infrastructure
The study examines climate change's impact on infrastructure and people, applying climate adaptation engineering to address these issues.
Climate Change Adaptation Actions in Tirana, Albania
The report "Climate Change Adaptation Actions in Tirana" explores the city's changing weather patterns, their impacts, and responses.