The Glasgow COP26 has concluded with its aim to keep the Paris Agreement, limiting global temperature rise. Know what the summit achieved.
Category: Climate Change Conferences and Events
Visualizing Life in a 3°C Warmer World
As COP26 Glasgow participants took up global warming, we picked up an interesting scenario of living and adapting to a 3°C warmer temperature.
Water and Climate Pavilion Event at COP26
This pavilion event takes up water-related disasters, water and food resources crises as climate change worsens and the needed mitigation.
Will COP26 Fulfill the Paris Agreement?
Climate change is now amongst us, and it is time for countries to take bold steps. Will COP26 be pivotal in fulfilling the Paris Agreement?
Rich Nations Must Aid Developing Countries’ Climate Adaptation Platforms
With Glasgow COP26 coming in November, wealthy countries are called upon to increase their climate finance pledges for developing countries.
Helping NZ Business and Industries Transition to Zero Carbon
Decarbonising New Zealand is a response to the increasing pressure on industries and businesses to accelerate decarbonisation pathways.
Webinars on Growing Food Amid Increasing Dry Conditions
Together with other New Zealand science programs, the Deep South Challenge offers three webinars on growing kai (Maori word for "food").
Climate Solutions 2030: New Zealand Perspective – FREE Webinar
Listen to the presentations by academics, students, and government representatives as they present NZ solutions to stop climate change.
Online Forum to Help NZ Councils Manage Risks and Climate Change Disruptions
The Marsh Risk Management 2021 Online Forum will be held from March 22 to 25, 2021 and will consist of four sessions.
Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 Aims to Boost Adaptation and Resilience
The Climate Adaptation Summit, held 25–26 January 2021, gathered leaders, scientists, organisations, and over 18,500 registered participants.